Missing Classmates
In some cases, we have addresses and phone numbers for the people on this list but no email addresses. In others, we don't have a current snail mail address or telephone number.
It's a lot easier to communicate via email but some people either don't have one or don't want to share the one they use.
We protect and use the data ONLY for communicating about class reunions and NEVER share your PRIVATE information !
Do you have an email address or know the whereabouts of any of the following? Send an email to: mgleason2@hotmail.com
List of Missing Classmates
James Brown
Marlene Chandler Hettinger
Frank Davis
Kathryn Delehant Kramer
Sharon Domet Cumming
Margaret Dowell Conahan
James Gibbons
Mary Jan Keleher McDaniel
Mondo Marcuzzo
Michael Markey
Carole McAndrews Farris
Ronald Miick
Grace Moneto Sparks
Beverly O’Brien Love
Antoinette Ruvolo
John Schneider
Patrick Venditte
Mary Wikstrom